The Isle of Man's Premier Online Florist Shop


Welcome to The Flower Studio’s online plant shop, your go-to destination for beautiful plants and botanical gifts on the Isle of Man. As a leading Isle of Man florist, we offer a wide range of houseplants, succulents, and unique greenery to enhance any space. Whether you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant for your home or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, we provide convenient Isle of Man flower delivery and plant delivery services to make shopping easy. Explore our collection today and bring the beauty of nature into your life.

Potted Mini Succulents


Ceropegia woodii 'Silver Glory'

From £10.50

Oxalis triangularis


Philodendron selloum


Sansevieria Moonshine


Epipremnum N'Joy


Aglaonema 'Ivy Green'


Ceropegia linearis


Jasmine polyanthum


The Flower Studio Gift Voucher

From £10

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