The Isle of Man's Premier Online Florist Shop


Unleash your creativity with our inspiring floral workshops at The Flower Studio, the Isle of Man’s premier destination for hands-on floral design experiences. From crafting stunning wreaths to arranging seasonal bouquets, our workshops cater to all skill levels and are perfect for learning new techniques or enjoying a fun, creative outing. Book your spot online and join us to explore the art of floristry in a welcoming and relaxed setting.

Succulent Heart Workshop 13th February


Spring Bulb Wreath Workshop 27th February


Spring Gift Hand-tied Bouquet Workshop 6th March


Spring Vintage Bowl Workshop 13th March


Spring Vase Workshop 18th March


Dried Flower Dome Workshop 27th March


Succulent Wreath Workshop 3rd April


The Flower Studio Gift Voucher

From £10

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